Quoting a 28 years old secondary school teacher, Muhammad Munis Musa,” Implementation is not going to be easy. The teachers need to be trained in their method of delivery. It requires sensitivity and tact from them and parents of students.
From this quotation, it shows that the government need to spend a lot of money for the implementation of Sex Education as they have to organize a lot of programs for teachers in Malaysia and also in producing the textbooks. The teachers need to be exposed to this new subject first before the students. They need to learn the most effective way to deliver it, know how to manage the students, think out of the box, and so on. As the cost for this subject to be implemented in the system of education is extremely high, I think that it is not worth for the government to continue this idea. The money can be spend on things that are much more important. Besides, this idea might give drawbacks as the number of subject increases. The students might become stress if they cannot manage the time wisely, consequently will also affect other subjects. We still did not know whether it works or not, and we need to wait for a long time to get the results of this program. Is it worth?