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Thursday, May 27, 2010

A gun on my head

It is cold and rough,

It is terrible and tough,

Extremely hard to escape,

Am I doing a mistake?

Tears and sweat,

Making my cloth wet,

Accompany by the fear, in my mind,

There’s only one thing,

Knowing the death is waiting..

Hope that I still have a chance,

Please, give me more time,

To seek for forgiveness,

To fix the ugliness..

I’m still single,

Hope that I can live longer,

Please, don’t kill me,

I will give you all my money..

Where’s the Superman, Spiderman or Batman?

Please, lend me a hand!


Suddenly, the black thing shouts,

And I thought it is blackout..


The stream of life is flowing,
The black dot is shivering,
or engulfing..
Life goes on,
Till brittle shoulders bear the encumbrance no more...
Flood of tears,
Flood of reality..
Tectonic upheaval of emotions,
Clinging to despair..
Buds of love blossoming at a chosen nook,
But wilting in cursed cranny..
Life goes on..
Till debris of hope blown to realm of scarcity..
Blunders, a multitude of blunders creeping under solemn souls..
Beware, the candle of life still breathiness..
Till what surpasses fate surfaces..